Home > 2020 CICAF > Rules and Regulations – Dance Competition

Dance Competition Rules and Regulations


Participation requirements:                                         

17 years old and under (All Nationalities, All Regions, All Ethnicity, Special needs)

Age Group:     

Tiny: 5 & under

Mini: 6,7,8 years

Junior: 9,10,11 years

Teen: 12,13,14 years

Senior: 15,16,17 years

( Age of Dancers: for Solos and Duet/Trios, ages as of registration deadline; for Small Groups and Large Groups, average group age is calculated by adding ages together as of registration deadline and divide by the number of competitors in the routine. Round to a whole number.)


  1. Pointe
  2. Demi-pointe
  3. Chinese Dance
  4. Modern/Contemporary
  5. Hip Hop
  6. Ballroom/Latin
  7. Open – any routine that does not fit in any of the above genres

Time Limits

  1. Solo: 3 minutes
  2. Duet/Trios: 3 minutes
  3. Small Group: 4 minutes
  4. Large Group: 5 minutes

Routine Size

  1. Solo: 1 dancer
  2. Duet: 2 dancers
  3. Trio: 3 dancers
  4. Small group: 4-9 dancers
  5. Large group: 10-20 dancers

Entries Requirement

1. Performance requirements & programming procedure:

a) Dancers must be ready at least 30 minutes before their scheduled time to perform. Dancers must sign in with a backstage manager at least 3 numbers prior to their scheduled performance

b) Once the first draft of the schedule is out and you are given a deadline for all changes, Candidates cannot make any further change to any kind after the deadline or at the event. Please be sure to make all changes prior to the deadlines given

c) The placement of props and sets must be completed in 2 minutes or less. Please contact the CICAF office to confirm setup and submit a prop list with all corresponding routines

d) The studio is responsible for completely clearing the stage of all items following their performance

e) Each event will have at least 2 judges, all adjudications are final

2. Duration of performance: Time limits will be strictly enforced. There will be a 1-point deduction for every 5 seconds over the time limit

3. All entries and related materials for the festival will not be refunded. The ownership of the entries will belong to the Organizing Committee of the Canada International Children ’s Art Festival. The organizing committee has the right to auction, copy, distribute, exhibit, and film the selected works; the right to take pictures and publicly use the photos freely; to use the author’s information in the registration form and website for the booklet publication and promotional purpose. 

Registration and schedule

1. Participants, please fill out the registration form first, click here to register online.

2. After the submission of the registration form is successful, the system will automatically generate the “Registration Confirmation Code”.

3. Upload the performance video to the network cloud disk (Google, Baidu cloud disk).

4. Send the cloud disk link method, sharing password and “registration confirmation code” to the email designated by the organizing committee: artwork@childrenart.ca. And put email title: Registration for the dance competition

5. the participants will be charged an registration fee

  1. Solo: $30
  2. Duet: $25/dancer
  3. Trio: $20/dancer
  4. Small group (4-9 dancers): $150 each group
  5. Large group (10-20 dancers): $200 each group

If you register for Video Submission Group, the fee is $ 40 CAD /entry ($ 40 USD / entry outside Canada), and all the fees will be used to supplement the cost of the festival.

6. Payment method:

Canada: cash, cheque or online payment e-Transfer to CICAF (email: info@childrenart.ca) The cheque should be payable to: Canada International Children ’s Art Foundation.

Other: Paypal and WeChat Pay.

Please put your name and category of the competition when paying. After successful payment, please send your name, category, registration confirmation code, payment method, payment confirmation code to payment@childrenart.ca

7. After confirming the receipt of the entries and payment information, the organizing committee will notify the participants by email.


  1. Gold: >90
  2. Silver: 80 – 89
  3. Bronze: 70 – 79
  4. Others:

1) New star awards

2) Rising star awards

3) Bright star awards

  • Medals, ribbons and Pins are awarded in each group
  • Announcement of top 5 solosists
  • Costume awards
  • Choreography awards

Evaluation and Scoring

A panel of professional judges will evaluate all items.

Point distribution :
Entry: 10
Exit/Conclusion: 10
Innovation: 5
Action/facial expression: 20
Coordination/synchronization: 20
Costume: 10
Song selection: 10
Overall choreography: 15
Total: 100


All participants who receive highest marks in each category are eligible to receive a trophy.

Participant could choose to pick up the trophy and certificate or request to mail them at their own cost.

(All scholarships and trophies will be presented at the Gala Concert to participants who confirm their attendance by purchasing Gala tickets in advance. Either the Award winner or a representative must attend the Gala Concert to collect the award. Some 1st Place certificate recipients may be asked to perform at the Gala Concert. )

Please Note: CICAF reserves the right to combine or subdivide any classes at its sole discretion. In the case of unforeseeable events, CICAF reserves the right to reschedule or cancel the Festival. CICAF is not responsible for any personal injury, loss or damage to personal property, including instruments.


Contact Information:

Canada International Children’s Art Festival

Address: Toronto Office: 60 N Wind Pl, Scarborough, ON M1S 5L4 Canada

Telephone: +1(647)996-2877

Mailbox: info@childrenart.ca

Official website: www.childrenart.ca

WeChat customer service: zionazhou


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